CHILD, Inc. remains committed to assuring quality parenting education services are accessible to all Delaware families. We offer education programs designed to strengthen families and improve outcomes for children.
Parenting Classes
Effective parenting is critical to child development, health & lifelong well- being. We offer parenting education classes at convenient locations throughout the state.
Classes are FREE and open to everyone.
Individuals successfully completing the classes are awarded a Certificate of Completion that satisfies the parenting education requirement for:

Children Cope With Parental Separation Seminar
A two-part, 6-hour psycho-educational seminar dealing with issues related to divorce/separation, custody and visitation focused on children and co-parenting. A certificate of completion is required by State law for parties to petitions for divorce and custody issues in Family Court with children 17 and younger. Call (302) 762-8989.
Families in Recovery
The Families in Recovery Program is a 7-week parenting education program designed specifically to support parents who are in recovery from substance use disorders. The classes address critical parenting skills and emphasize the importance of social connectedness. The two-hour sessions include topics such as self-care and family wellness, stages of change, strengths and needs and child development. The classes are offered at sober living communities throughout the state. Call (302) 762-8989.
Sparrow Run Community Program
The Sparrow Run Family Resource Center, located at 148 Flamingo Drive in the community of Sparrow Run, in the Newark area of New Castle County, has been providing wide ranging programs & services to the community and surrounding area since 1997. The Resource Center offers a central location from which important services and programs are provided for individuals residing in the community of Sparrow Run and along the Route 40 corridor.
Kids Place
In 2014, CHILD, inc. opened an additional location within the Sparrow Run community called Kids Place.
Kids Place provides educational and recreational activities and programs to children and youth residing in the community of Sparrow Run.
All youth residing in the Sparrow Run community are eligible to join.