Foster Care

Foster care is the temporary care of a child whose family is having problems and the child can not safely remain in the home. CHILD, Inc. provides quality long term, short term, and respite care in closely supported and supervised community placements (foster homes) for selected youth who are in the custody of the Division of Family Services (DFS).

Our focus is to help develop self-sufficient and productive members of society by providing a stable, caring environment allowing youth to grow in self-understanding, self-esteem, and in developing independence.

The Role of Foster Parents

  • Provide emotional support, a safe and loving environment, and a sense of stability
  • Help youth build, maintain, and/or improve healthy relationships
  • Help youth build, maintain, and/or improve positive educational outcomes
  • Address and document youth’s physical and emotional health needs
  • Maintain an attitude of respect and understanding toward the youth’s biological family
  • Help the agency to develop and implement a service plan for youth
  • Gain support from other foster parents during monthly parent training meetings
  • And so much more

Who Can Be Foster Parents

  • Can be single, married, divorced or widowed
  • Rent or own their home
  • Are at least 25 years of age
  • Must have a high school diploma or GED
  • Pass a criminal background check and fingerprint screening
  • Pass home, safety and health assessment
  • Are economically stable with proof of income
  • A caring person with a genuine desire to help a youth

Children Up To 17 Years Old

  • Children from all ethnic and racial backgrounds
  • Children with emotional and behavioral patterns arising from trauma, abuse or neglect
  • Teen mothers with their babies.

Becoming a Foster Parent

  1. Initial contact via telephone inquiry or recruitment event, etc.
  2. Attend an information session
  3. Pre service training (30 hours total)
  4. Home study
  5. Certification
  6. Placement

If you are interested in learning more on how to become a foster parent, please call (302) 762-8989.