Domestic Violence Hotline and Chat
The Domestic Violence Hotline is a 24/7 Multilingual service for people who are experiencing domestic violence. Callers talk with a degreed, trained advocate about their unique situation. The hotline counselors are trained to respond to crisis situations, safety plan and to refer to a variety of community services. Many callers find relief simply by connecting with the hotline counselor. The hotline call sometimes leads to entering one of the domestic violence shelters.
The CHILD, Inc. anonymous Live Chat feature is available on the right side of the screen, click on the green circle with the conversation bubble.
Domestic Violence Shelters
Two crisis shelters, specific to meeting the needs of victims of domestic violence, are operated from confidential locations. Single women or women with their children benefit from physical safety as well as a variety of additional services. Degreed, trained staff are on-site 24/7 to support residents. These supports include, but are not limited to, safety planning, goal setting, resource identification, social services and legal advocacy, support groups, and connections to employment and housing. The shelters look like typical family homes- with bedrooms, bathrooms, large kitchens, laundry rooms, playrooms, quiet rooms, and toys/activities for children to enjoy. All services are free of charge.
Domestic Violence Advocacy Program
The purpose of the advocacy program is to assist petitioners through the Protection from Abuse order process. As such, trained advocates are co-located in each of the Family Courts in Delaware. While advocates cannot provide legal advice, they are able to connect petitioners with a variety or resources which may include legal assistance. These advocates also assist by providing referrals, crisis counseling, safety planning and support. Advocates are available during court hours and bilingual advocates (Spanish/English) are available frequently, but not all the time. Please call ahead to arrange interpretation/translation at (302) 255-0420.
Family Visitation Centers
A variety of family situations necessitate the use of the visitation centers including intimate partner violence, a history of difficulties surrounding child visitation or exchange, parental substance use or lack of suitable visitation space, among others. Services include on-site multi family group supervised visits, monitored exchange or individually supervised visits. The two centers, in Wilmington and Newark, are equipped with trained staff, video cameras, and other safety features. Prior to starting visitation or exchange, each adult party must participate in an individual orientation. Children may take part in child orientations or a series of orientations to help them learn about the center and increase their comfort. The centers make every effort to provide services at a reasonable cost.
Helping Children Heal is a service of the Domestic Violence Treatment Program (DVTP). It serves children between the ages of 4 and 18 who have been exposed to intimate partner violence. It also serves their caregivers.
The Domestic Violence Treatment Program (DVTP) provides the following treatment services to adults who are victims/survivors of intimate partner violence.
Shelter for Male Victims of Domestic Violence
Men with or without children may need crisis shelter to escape an abusive partner. Degreed, trained staff provide safety planning, goal setting, resource identification, social services and legal advocacy, and connections to employment and housing. Services are free of charge.
Community Health Advocates (CHA)
CHILD, Inc. recognizes domestic violence as a public health issue, with victims of domestic violence experiencing significantly higher utilization and healthcare costs even after the abuse stops. Victims and survivors have specific and extensive healthcare needs that are not currently being met by the traditional service model.
We believe that the partnership between healthcare professionals and domestic violence advocates is crucial to increasing access to services, which will positively affect the care and treatment of chronic medical issues often seen in victims of domestic violence.
Offender Intervention Services (OIS)
The Domestic Violence Treatment Program (DVTP) provides structured counseling interventions for both men and women who have committed acts of intimate partner violence or abuse. The counseling interventions are certified by the Delaware Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (DVCC) and adhere to standards established by that organization. The counseling interventions are provided in both English and Spanish. Participation in the intervention services can be either voluntary or court mandated.
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—Maya Angelou
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